
Sunday 11 July 2010

All About Me

Hey Im Kayleigh, I'm 14 and this is my new blog. :)

This post is basically going to be me answering a few questions about me and what i love to read, so you my lovely followers get to know me.

When did I start to read?

I have honestly always been kind of a reader, but more of an ocassional book kind of reader. I grew up with a mum and sister who were constantly obsessed with reading (but have recently lost that obession, which i have now gained). But i became a proper book nerd about the time Twilight came out as a film, so near the end of 2008, when i began to read the Twilight Saga and absolutly loved it.

What genre's do I like to read?

Anything YA basically, but some adults aswell. Mainly I love reading vampire books, but i hope to move away from that and actually begin reading classic books such as: Pride and Predudice and Jane Eyre.

All time favourite series?

Honestly the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. This in some way may seem so cliche, as at the moment it is probably most teenage girls favorite series. But im not in love with it because of Jacob or Edward, but because I absolutly love the story line, and each time I read the books it seems sort of magical to me in a way.

All time favourite book?

Probably Hush,Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. It liertally took me a matter of 4-5hours to read this book, it was so amazing and I just can't wait for Cresendo, which is the second in the series.

But if i had to pick a book which was not in a series I would have to pick Stolen By Lucy Christopher, I had found this book on Amazon and spent ages trying to find it in my local bookstore. Finally I found it and had probably never been so happy to get a book. As soon as I got home I quickly finished reading Betrayed By PC and Kristen Cast which I was currently reading, and then read Stolen for like rest of the day until i finished it.

All time favourite author?

Now once again this is bit of a cliche answer: Stephenie Meyer. Seeing as I love the Twilight Saga and The Host I just couldn't help but put this. I do like other authors and was thinking about putting them on here, but I only believe that your favorite author cant be your favourite if you have only read one book or series by him/her, which I mianly have on my shelf, so it was almost impossible for me to pick a different author.

What I love about books?

My main fasination about books is that they have this amazing ability to make things which seem impossibe in the real world actually happen: vampires, werewolves, faries, etc... only properly exsist in the book world. Also escapism. This is another main reason why i love to read, when I am really stressed I can just picked up a book and all my promblems just seem to vanish.

How Often Do I Read?

I guess it depends on how much i like the book. If it's a good book i could be almost on known stop reading whenever i can, but if I dont enjoy the book as much as i hoped to, it will be a slow reading process.

If you have any questions for me, feel free to comment with more.


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