
Saturday 7 August 2010

Book Review: Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

Title: Linger
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Release Date: 20th July 2010
Publisher: Scholastic
Price (English Pounds): £7.99
Genre: YA
Series: 2nd Book in the Wolves Of Mercyfalls Series
No. Pages: 416
Sam and Grace's story continues, in the second book in the Wolves of MercyFalls. Now Grace is disobeying her parents and becoming dreadfully ill, as the wolf gene is coming back to haunt her. And Sam discovers that Beck  may of changed someone into a werewolf who could possibly blow the werewolves secret.
As soon as I picked up the book I was immediatly hocked, I didnt particually find it exciting for a beginning but I felt like I was back into the world of Sam and Grace, a world I had grown to love in the 1st book in the series Shiver.
The Prologue has been used to quickly sum up the first book, and also introduce this book, in a way, then it goes straight into the story, unlike a few sequals which will spend the first few chapters telling the story and also talking about the book before, which always annoys me because after the first page of the book I almost automatically know escatly what happened in the book before.
In some ways I saw the book as a two-in-one book, as it follows the story of Sam and Grace, but also Isabel and Cole (Isabel being Grace's friend and Cole being a newly turned wolf). I will admit this slightly annoyed be a bit, but after a while I got used to it, as the story ocassionally tied in with each other and there became a purpose for the two stories in one.
What I loved about this book is the flash-backs, which is used to help the develop the characters more, especially new character Cole, who is portrayed as the bad-ass in this book, and is one of the only wolves who was willingly changed, and the flash-backs are used as an easier way to explain his reasons why.
All in all I definatly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a bit of romance, but other things at the same time. It is also definatly an all year round read, a good read for sitting outside in the sun in Summer and also for sitting cuddled up in bed in the Winter.
I give this book a rating of:

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