
Sunday 10 October 2010

Book Review: Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel

Title: Infinite Days
Author: Rebecca Maizel
Release Date (England): 3rd Septmeber 2010
Publisher (English): Macmillian Children's Books
Price (UK pounds): £9.99
Genre: YA
Series: 1st in the Lenah Beaudonte Novels
No. Pages: 400

For 500 years Lenah Beaudonte has been a vampire. 500 years of seduction, blood and destruction. But she is sickened by her dark powers – and longs to feel the sun on her skin, grass under her bare feet, and share the breath of a human kiss. She wants to be mortal again. But is she really capable of being human, after her long years of darkness? Waking up as a sixteen-year-old girl brings Lenah many things – the life she has missed, taste, touch, love. But a vampire soul is not easily shed. And her coven – the four vampires she led in decadence and thrilling destruction – want their queen back . . .
I had seen quite a few people do reviews on this book, but had never read any as the title never really drew me in. But I saw it in my local bookshop and the cover automatically made me need this book. It has the most beautiful cover i have ever seen, especially without the dust cover on (the dustcover is one the picture on the book, above)
I began to read this book before going to sleep I only planned to read about 20 pages but ended up reading over 100, and could of stayed up and read it all night if I didnt need to be up early the next morning.
Straight from the start I was hooked, and knew this book was going to be one of my favourites.
I am literally unable to use words to sum up how utterly amazing this book is, all I can say is: GO BUY IT NOW!!!!!

Maizel has this un-natural ability to make all characters loveable, including ones you are supposed to dislike.
Also her book is very different from vampire books I've read before. It's not one of these girl falls for irrestable vampire, but can almost be said its the oppisite.

Please go and buy this piece of amazment, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did

I give this book...

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