
Sunday 16 January 2011

My Top Five.... Introduction

My top five is something i have thought up of as a way to perhaps bring the blogging community even closer together and also as a way of sharing what books we like or hate, or characters etc...
There wil be topic's posted on Sunday giving every participant til Friday to think about their top five. The topics will be things such as:
My top five favourite books
My top five favourite book quotes.

To participate:
  • You can be any sort of book blogger to take part, not just YA!!
  • New topics will be posted on Sunday!!!
  • The topic for that particular week will be posted on the top of the gadget throughout the week, it will also be posted on the My Top Five page which link will be located on the menu bar.
  • You don't have to take part everyweek, you can choose to do it once, and never do it again or you can do it as many times as you want.
  • I will post my top five post, on the morning of Friday, where if you are a participant post the link to your post along with the name of your blog in the comment section of my post, so everyone else taking part can look at your list.
  • But you dont have to publish your post on Friday, just anytime between Sunday and Friday.nk you

Thank you for reading and feel free to take part.

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