
Monday 18 April 2011

Musing Monday (1)

Musing Monday is hosted by Should Be Reading. For more information on this meme check out her page.

This week’s musing asks…
What’s at the top of your must-buy list, right now? (or, if you don’t wait — if you’re more impulsive — what books have you recently purchased?)

I don't have a lot of money, nor do I have many oppurtunities to buy or recieve books like my fellow blogger's do. I save up money over a month or two and buy like 10ish books at once, which tend to last me. I will ocassionally buy a book if I see something I know I will like, especially because my local Supermarket gets new books every month and there on a buy-one-get-one free offer.
Here is my to buy list:


  1. Trust me, I rarely have money, either. I have to save up for a while, too. Hence why I was going to wait 'til June to do my shopping. But, since I get $50/month anyway (I have alloted that to myself for miscellaneous purchases), I figured, "why wait?". ;)

    But, like I said... normally, I have to save. Hubby's in school -- no job -- so we're scraping by ourselves. :-?

  2. I don't like to spend my money..and between review copies that I have wrangled which is not too hard) , library books and free or very cheap e-books (that I read on my netbook until I spent $150 for an Nook) I buy very few books.
