
Sunday 10 April 2011

Read-A-Thon: 13 Hours Completed

Hmmm. i havent properly been participating yet.
Currently I've finished one book...Angel by Katie Price
Read the first story in Prom Night's from Hell
and am currently finishing off Scarred by Julia Hoban which I had been reading before the Read-a-Thon.. less than 100 pages left.

As of now I will be properly participating if i dont fall asleep anyway.

Pages so far is about:300 (rubbish!!)

1 comment:

  1. You’re doing great! Keep it up! So glad you could join us today and hope you’re having fun!

    Cover to Cover
    And Coast to Coast
    Across the Oceans
    We’ve been brought together
    By what we love the most!
    Let’s hear it for the readers!
