
Friday 24 June 2011

UK vs US #1

As an English bookreaders, I am more open to both the UK and US covers for books as i am more likely to come across the two different books, leaving myself always asking which cover do I prefer?
Well here I will be sharing my opnions on covers of different books.

The Hunger Games Trilogy:

Book 1: The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games (Hunger Games, #1)The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Book 2: Catching Fire

Catching Fire (Hunger Games, #2)Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)
Book 3: MockingJay

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)Mockingjay (Hunger Games, #3)

My Opnions on the Cover's
Neither UK or US cover's have no features which are no-way particularly appealing towards me, and there is both good and bad aspects on both. The US cover's have a simplistic and sophisticated look, which appears on a number of American covers, where as the UK cover's seem much more adventurous, and for me sum up the book much more.
I do have to give this to US cover though, it has an increased amount of appeal and just looked prettier.
UK: 0
US: 1

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