
Sunday 24 July 2011

Participate in: The Blogger Behind The Book

I don't know many blogger's and have instead decided to create a hmmmm, I don't know what it is called.
Basically the idea is to have 7-14 book blogger's to answer some questions, about their life, the books they read etc.... so fellow blogger's and book lover's get to know each other, and hopefully more followers to your blog EEE!!!!!
To be in a chance of participating please email me at: , the chance to become a part of this will end when 7 or 14 people have entered. I will then instantly get back to you, with more information.

These are the questions I am thinking of:
  1. Name, Blog Name and Blog URL
  2. Age and Location
  3. An embarrassing picture of you
  4. What do you do in day to day life?
  5. Do you have any pets?
  6. Last song you listened to?
  7. What is your favourite food?
  8. How many books do you own (This can include E-books)?
  9. How many books to you plan to read at the end of the year?
  10. If you could be one author, who would you be?
  11. What book would you turn into a film?
  12. What is your favorite genre?
  13. Do you have any reading companions/friends?
  14. What is your favourite book?
  15. If you could kill any character who would it be and why?
  16. If you could write a book, what would it be called, about and maybe add a cover for it?
  17. If you could be any character who would you be?
  18. If you were stuck on a desert island which 3 author's would you take?
  19. Favourite film/movie based on a book?
  20. Favourite book cover?
  21. Which blogger do you look up to most?
  22. Are you surprised by the amount of reader's?
  23. What are your opinions on negative reviews?
  24. Have you received any ARC's, if so how many?
  25. Do you have a certain schedule for posts?
  26. Link us to your favourite review you have written?
So remember if you are intrested in participating email me at, or get in contact with me over Goodreads or Twitter (find the links of the side bar)

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