
Friday 26 August 2011

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee &  Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends!

In books like the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series the paranormal creature in question "comes out of the closet" and makes itself known to the world. Which mythical creature do you wish would come out of the closet, for real?

Hmmm, Honestly I'd slightly prefer none, True Blood alone has proven that mythical creatures becoming known in a bad thing and I'd much rather prefer not to be killed by being drained. But I would have to pick Vampires, mainly because they are AWESOME!!


  1. i like the answer of "none" too. i'm too scared! they can stay alive in my books.

    Trish - My Friday Memes 

  2. New follower, hopping through :)

    I'm a total wienie, so your answer is probably better than mine was lol

    Here's mine:

  3. Great answer! I am hopping through - I already follow.

    I kind of agree with you my reflects my feelings. I hope you have a great week and stop by if you have a few minutes.

  4. Vampires are great if they'd play 'nice'. ;)

    New follower. :) My Friday & PNR Giveaway! Have a great weekend!

  5. I'd have to agree with Niina-vampires are fine as long as they don't "inspire" (get it? It rhymes!) a bloody massacre.

    PS: I'm a new follower! Please don't be frightened and frivolously check out my Follow Me Friday post . Thanks and farewell!

  6. Vamps are cool and somewhat scary! New follower :)

    Tia @Falling For Books

  7. very true! Mythical creature probably would cause a lot of havoc. I was too focused on thinking about all the different creatures to think about the ramifications, but you are so right haha

    old follower

    My FF- Book Briefs


  8. I agree with your "None!" answer! I was thinking something similar. Here's my FF:

    I'm a new follower BTW. :)

    Happy Friday!

  9. Hopping through. I'd love a vampire but you're right that most paranormal creatures are too dangerous to have around.
    My Hop

  10. Vampires are great of they don't choose me as dinner:) Have a great weekend!

    Beyond Strange New Words
