
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Speak and Stolen Giveaway!!! International Ends 30th Sept

Recently I have taken a liking to contemporary fiction and decided why not do a giveaway promoting two of my favourite books.

SpeakSince the beginning of the school year, high school freshman Melinda has found that it's been getting harder and harder for her to speak out loud: "My throat is always sore, my lips raw.... Every time I try to talk to my parents or a teacher, I sputter or freeze.... It's like I have some kind of spastic laryngitis." What could have caused Melinda to suddenly fall mute? Could it be due to the fact that no one at school is speaking to her because she called the cops and got everyone busted at the seniors' big end-of-summer party? Or maybe it's because her parents' only form of communication is Post-It notes written on their way out the door to their nine-to-whenever jobs. While Melinda is bothered by these things, deep down she knows the real reason why she's been struck mute...

Stolen: A letter to my captor
Sixteen year old Gemma is kidnapped from Bangkok airport and taken to the Australian Outback. This wild and desolate landscape becomes almost a character in the book, so vividly is it described. Ty, her captor, is no stereotype. He is young, fit and completely gorgeous. This new life in the wilderness has been years in the planning. He loves only her, wants only her. Under the hot glare of the Australian sun, cut off from the world outside, can the force of his love make Gemma love him back? The story takes the form of a letter, written by Gemma to Ty, reflecting on those strange and disturbing months in the outback. Months when the lines between love and obsession, and love and dependency, blur until they don't exist - almost.

This Giveaway is International, as long as The Book Depository delivers to you.
This giveaway does require following my blog
This giveaway ends on the 30th September 2011

I forgot to add in the form... please Tweet or re-tweet giveaway information on Twitter, and you will got 1 extra entry. (State your Twitter name in the Comment Section, and add the entry to your extra entry)


  1. Thanks a lot for the chance! Stolen is on my wishlist.

  2. Thanks so much!


    Old GFC follower- ashley
    YouTube follower- HOLT9102
    GoodReads friend- holt350
    Twitter follower- @Holt9102


  3. Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC - Memrie
    Twitter Follower - @darkangel231988
    Tweeted -!/darkangel231988/status/102971850363113472

