
Saturday 24 September 2011

Why I do not participate in banned book week

Banned Book Week 24th September-1st October, and a book blogging week I refuse to participate in by saying I've read a Banned books.

There is a number of YA which people have attempted to ban, see the main word there ATTEMPTED. Yes a number of books get literally banned from certain schools and libraries, which I do not condone, and think it is 100% unfair, but these books are still available to me, therefore they are not banned.
I was looking through a Banned Book Week reading challenge and came across books like: Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and Harry Potter by JK Rowling, three of probably most popular series, not just in YA but for all ages. Come on people Harry Potter has sold half a billion copies, the majority which would of been read. Does that sound banned to you?
Then there is The Giver by Lois Lowry, which is a book I plan to read, and could probably walk into any English speaking book-shop and find them sitting there right in front of me, no glass window or laser beams stopping me from reaching it, NOTHING!!!! Except a known ban in one school or something.

I'm not criticizing any blogger or reader who is participating in Banned Books Week, I'm just merely posting my opinion, and reason's why I don't participate.
But if you want to join in then feel free, and have a great time.

Happy Reading!!

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