
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Abandon by Meg Cabot

Title: Abandon
Series: Abandon Trilogy #1
Author: Meg Cabot
Average Goodreads Rating: 3.67
My rating: 3 stars

Pierce knows what it's like to die.
Last year she flatlined following an accident.
During that time Pierce saw a dark world and met a mysterious and irresistible boy.
Now that boy, John Hayden has turned up at school. Everytime she sees him Pierce finds herself in terrible danger. Yet she's still drawn to him.
John wants to take her back to the place she fears the most: the Underworld.
The question is why?

Meg Cabot is a well known author whose books are known to be amazing and of course popular. I knew I just had to try one and Abandon happened to be the first one to catch my eye.

I had high expectations and because it took so long for me to finally get round to reading it, I had already planned exactly what I thought would happen, leaving me quite disappointed that the book didn't go that way.
The book had massive amount of potential which I believed that Meg was unable to reach.

It took me a while before I found myself able to get along with this book. The beginning and the middle were slightly boring, despite that a lot was happening, to the point that I came close to putting the book down and giving up on it forever, fortunately the end got pretty amazing and definitely gripping.

The book partly alternates between the past and present, which was obviously an up side to the book, except I found the way Meg did it almost impossible to understand. It was confusing and near enough possible to understand, due to no visible change in writing.

A Greek mythology theme takes place in the book, but I found it almost a waste of two lines, those two lines of course being the only two lines where Greek mythology seems to appear.
I can only hope it plays a bigger part in the rest of the trilogy.

I felt like the characters were not fully established or introduced.
Main character, Pierce was someone who I couldn't relate to, mainly due to not really being able to find out about her as a person, only her past.
John, is a mysterious character, who strangely enough I feel like I know more about than Pierce.

All in all the book was an ok read, and after such a cliffhanger ending, I will be checking out the sequel for sure!


  1. Thanks for your review! I actually just finished reading the first chapter and it grabbed my attention!

    Perhaps I'll check it out at the library, I've never read any Meg Cabot books.

  2. I loved the book .. Meg always have something ho got my attencion..

    congradulations for the great review
