
Sunday 29 August 2010

Book Review: Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

Title: Dreamland

Author: Sarah Dessen
Release Date: May 2004?
Publisher: Speak
Price (US Dollars): RRP $8.99
Genre: YA
Series: None
No. Pages: 250

On Caitlin's 16th Birthday her sister ran away, to Newyork to be with her boyfriend. Her parents were devistated and obviously effected by the runaway of their oldest daughter.
When Caitlin joins the school cheerleading club, her mum finally feels like she has a reason to live again and see's caitlin as the daughter she had basically lost.
But Caitlin falls in love with Rogerson Biscoe and being with him makes Caitlin forget all of her worries, intil he becomes her biggest worry, after that first hit, she realises Rogerson is not as amazing as she first thought he was.
For some reason I am fasinated by books about abuse, which was why i bought this book. With it not being avaliable in England I had to wait for ages to get it, and during that wait I began to guess what it would be like. And what I had guessed was nothing like the book, this then caused the book to be a big disappointment to me.
This was the fourth Sarah Dessen book I have read, so I will honestly say I expected better, i'm not saying the book was bad because it wasn't nor am i saying that the writing quality was bad. But the length of the book, only 250 pages was not enough to fit the story into, in my personal opnion, especially seeing what the book was about. Abusive relationships, runaway sibling and a family slightly falling apart, the story could of been developed much more, seeing as these are important issues that effect many teenagers, and with Sarah Dessen being a very popular author for many teenage girls it would help get the effects out much easier.

I liked the character, yes i say this in every review but i mean it everytime. Caitlin feels as though she must live up to her sisters many achievemnets so far in life, but still be different.
Rogerson was/is abused by his father which shows why he abuses Caitlin, this is something that happens in many relationships when one of the people have been abused.
Caitlin's mother, is the typical soccer type mum, getting intrested in all the goings on at school and expecting her children to join on the clubs, to make her feel as though she does have a meaning to be on this world. She is very cliche, but the good kind.

I would still say this book was good, and would recommed it, if you can find it. A good short, summer read especially for all the girls out there, but maybe not the best Sarah Dessen book to start with.

I give this book a:

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