
Sunday 29 August 2010

In My Mailbox (3)

Late Birthday Gift:
Dreamland By Sarah Dessen
Ever since she started going out with Rogerson Biscoe. Caitlin seems to have fallen into a semi-concious dreamland where nothing is quite real. Rogerson is different from anyone Catlin has ever known. He's magnetic. He's compelling. He's dangerous. Being with him makes Caitlin forget about eveything else- her missing sister, her withdrawn mother, her lackluster life. But what happens when Rogerson becomes a lager promblem than with out him?

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
They say to live everyday as its your last- but you never actually think it’s going to be. You always think you’ll have more time.

That’s what I thought. But I was wrong.
The thing is, you don’t get to know when it happens.

You don’t remember to tell your family that you love them or- in my case- remember to say good bye to them at all.

What if, like me, you could live the last day over again? Could you make it perfect? If your whole life flashed before your eyes, would you have any regrets? Are there things you’d wanted to change?


  1. I love reading anything for Sarah Dessen

    Here is my IMM:

  2. Great books this week! Both are such tear jerkers, or they were for me. I hope you savor the reading experience :-)

  3. Enjoy! And Happy Belated Birthday. :D New follower. Yes, I'm scouring Kristi's (The Story Siren) IMM list. I have a strange fetish.
