Review Policy

Firstly I would like to say I am from England.

If you wish for me to write a review on a book then contact me at (will take me 1-3days to get back to you)
I will consider reviewing all books, with slight background information about the book. I will decline any review requests if i feel like i would not complete the book.
Everything written in the review of the book will be 100% my own opinion and will not be swayed by what people say or personal relationships with the author. If I do not like the book I will say and if I love the book I will say.
What Types Of Books Would I Review?:
I am likely to accept all YA books, but I mainly enjoy the following genre's:
  • Fantasy
  • Dystopian
  • General Fiction
  • Romance
  • Paranormal
  • Chick Lit
  • Historical Fiction
But I will also review other genre's depending on the story line.
I am less likely to accept Adult books, but will consider depending on the story line and the length of the book.
The same genre's apply for Adult books, as they did YA.
What formats will I accept the books as?
I do prefer print books. Though I will accept E-books, I have an Amazon Kindle, so therefore accept Kindle books, though I will accept all other format's.
When Will I Get The Book Review Up?:
This obviously depends on how busy I will be.
ARC's I will attempt to get a review up between 2-1 weeks before either US or UK publication date (depending on which occurs first) giving people time to recognize the book and pre-order the book. Also I will Tweet about the book (!/UponABookNerd) on the date of publication informing everyone of the book release.
Any other book reviews (non-ARC's) will not be my priority. I will treat them as all other books, and reading them only when I get round to it, unless you want to request a review date, then I will do my best to keep to it.
I will host Giveaways if you wish, once again depending on the book, but I will not be responsible on pay for shipping.
Author or Publisher Interviews?:
If I am familiar with the Author's work or if I know other blogger's who are, I am willing to post interviews and will also supply questions if needed.